Those of you who read this blog are most likely local La Sumida Nursery customers. We are very grateful to you. Your support makes it possible for Independent Garden Centers to continue in the era of the ‘Big Box’ center. Can you imagine the lack of selection if we could only purchase plants at Home Depot?
At this time when we see even chains going out of business recently (Comp USA, Circuit City, and Linens N Things) I have made a new commitment to support local business and shop locally. At the Nursery, La Sumida is able to support local growers and wholesalers, both large and small. This is also good for keeping freight costs down.
Two instances lately have made me rethink my shopping habits. I admit I can get pretty lazy. There have been times when virtually all my shopping has been online. I realized the error of my ways when I tried to stop by Crispin Leather downtown. OOps, they aren’t there anymore. Jr./ Sr. Shoe-Town where my family bought shoes for three generations is gone as well. Where are all the shoe stores?
For my granddaughter’s birthday I shopped locally. Luckily Chaucer’s Bookstore is still going strong. Kernohan’s Toys on Calle Real had great selections as well. I’ll shop locally for my Chrismas gifts as well.
Thanks to all of you for your support this year. Please remember La Sumida for the holidays. We have beautiful Noble firs, Live trees, Poinsettias, Wreaths, Garland, Table arrangements, Cyclamen, Christmas Cactus, Ornamental Peppers, Holiday Color Bowls, as well as great gift items for gardeners and plant lovers. Gift wrapping and delivery is available. Going to a dinner party? Need a host/hostess gift? Judi makes beautiful, creative, gift baskets.
We look forward to seeing you this month,
Take care, D.