Thank goodness for the break in the rain. I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to have chance to do my pruning. Although I am very thankful for the much needed long, slow soil soaking moisture, I needed to get my roses pruned before Superbowl Sunday.
January tends to be our coolest month. A slight temperature increase in February along with the ever so slightly increasing day length can cause growth spurts that can catch you by surprise. So don’t put it off too much longer.
So out into the garden I went. First I spent a few moments to a little much needed sun and listen to the birds. I must have seen at least ten different types. They were happy to be out in the sun too.
O.K. quit stalling, time to get to work. Luckily my husband Joel helps me. It makes the job go so much faster. We were able to do about thirty rose bushes before the sun started to go behind the trees and it began to get cold. When the sun goes down, I go in. The roses were done and ready for dormant spraying.
Tomorrow if it doesn’t rain I will try to get to it. Don’t forget: if it does rain within two days after spraying, you should re-spray again.
P.S. Next time you are in the nursery let us know that you read our blog and if there is anything you would like to hear about or have us discuss.