
March 15, 2008

Judi’s Blog

Spring seems to be in the air and everyone is ready for planting. The summer garden may be started now.

 You can begin your veggie garden with cool season tomatoes like Early Girl and Stupice. Lettuce, peas, chard and herbs can  can be planted. You may want to wait a week or two before planting cucumbers and eggplant. As for summer color, you can begin putting in your perennials and anuuals. 
This is a good time to prune back your leggy shrubs and tropicals. They will come back with the warmer, longer days.
Pruning, planting and feeding are what spring is all about.  Also weeding, cleaning and planning.
It’s very important to remember to go through your garden and empty anything that might be holding water from the rains. Mosquitos are a big problem. The larvae wigglers are hatching out now. So be aware. Walk around your yard or patio and empty any containers and water holding objects.
There is a lot to do, so remember: the garden doesn’t have to be put together in one day or weekend. You can add to it all summer long.
Have fun, learn , and enjoy
For those of you who read the Independent this week:
They were inaccurate. The plant in the picture was not a Scotch Broom  as they said. Instead of going to management for accurate information  their source was our newest  (two weeks) employee in training. 
Their caption made it sound like La Sumida is unaware and doesn’t care about the environment.  We have worked very hard to help our customers to be responsible and considerate of the environment. We all need to be aware of the footprint we leave behind.
By Judi @ La Sumida Uncategorized Share:
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Summer Hours
Monday – Saturday
8:00am – 5:00pm

Closed Sundays.