
April 5, 2008

Judi’s Blog


Finally the roses are at bud stage and beginning to bloom. We have waited all winter for this time to arrive because as we all know the first bloom cycle is the best: big, bold, and beautiful. Bragging rights for all who pruned sprayed and fed. But even if time got away from you and you were not able to complete routine annual maintenance, roses will still produce the most glorious blooms on the first flush.
Next come the foggy days which may bring mildew, rust, and don’t forget the bugs. Roses have their own special insect problems. But don’t lose heart, we have answers for most every problem and we try very hard to keep it organic.
The first problem you will likely see is aphids. They are soft bodied sucking insects that enjoy the tips of your beautiful new rose buds. They may be green, yellow, orange or black and in their early stage have wings. They are easy to spot and deal with using organic solutions.
The next common damage we see are leaves that have been eaten into lace. This is the work of the rose slug. This little critter is on the under side of the leaf and looks like a little green inch worm. It is actually the larvae of a sawfly wasp. You will probably never notice the wasp. You must direct your spray underneath the leaves. You can keep the solution organic with Spinosad and have great success.
Now that our rose field is open feel free to come and wander. Please remember the field is closed every Wednesday for maintenance. Every day new roses are showing more color.

P.S. Don’t forget to “stop and smell the roses.”
By Judi @ La Sumida Uncategorized Share:
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