
May 12, 2008

D’s Blog

May Gray / June Gloom
It’s very foggy and drizzling this morning. The good news is it looks like some clearing is forecast for the end of the week with some hot sunny days. This is the first year I remember weather affecting my mood but I understand many experience seasonal affective disorder this time of year.
Our May gray/June gloom days are created when the land warms up and the ocean is still cool. These conditions usually occur in late spring and early summer but we may see the pattern in fall as well. We like to complain, but this weather pattern helps keep our weather mild. When it gets hot we complain too. We are a little spoiled in Santa Barbara.
This weather affects our plants as as well. With less sun and light some of our vegetables, annuals, and other plants do not grow as fast as we’d like. The high humidity, moderate temperatures, and low light intensity promote conditions that some fungal disease such as powdery mildew thrive in. On the other hand, watering chores are less. My containers simply are not drying out at their usual rate.
Its hard to believe it may be 80 degrees in a few days. See you at the beach!
Take care, D
By Deo @ La Sumida Uncategorized Share:
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