
June 2, 2008

D’s Blog

July 24 Sorry… Event Cancelled

Coming Soon

Our annual Tomato Tasting Experience will be Sunday September 7 from 12 to 2. That’s in almost 100 days. Why am I telling you now? I am telling you now because you still have time to put in tomatoes to enter our contests. You even have time to grow tomatoes from seed. 

Everyone is always in such a hurry to plant tomatoes in the spring. We start getting calls in January! A little known secret is that June tomatoes are often times more successful than March tomatoes.  In June the days are long and the soil is warm.  I try to plant a few tomatoes every month from March until September. In September I put in the “cool season” tomatoes.
Normally no matter when I plant I get my first ripe tomatoes around the 4th of July. This year I planted the cool season Stupice in April and it’s ready now. I will remember to plant more next spring.
We are growing tomatoes for the tasting at the growing grounds. We have over 40 kinds. Armando is having to guard the seedlings from squirrels. They are a big problem this year. Judi and I are growing tomatoes in our gardens to bring as well. We are focusing on heirlooms. Judi is growing the larger varieties and I am growing the smaller ones. Hopefully Steve Goto will bring a lot in as well. One year we had almost 100 kinds. My stomach didn’t feel too well afterwards but maybe that was from the chile peppers Steve brought for the chile tasting.
The tomato tasting is a lot of fun. We line up the tomatoes and you rate them for us. It’s great to see the results of everyone’s favorites and helps us to choose what to plant next year. We also encourage every one to bring in their tomatoes as well. We have prizes in different categories such as largest, smallest, most colorful, weirdest looking and most perfect looking.
Mark your calendars and plant some tomatoes. Hope to see you there!
By Deo @ La Sumida Uncategorized Share:
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